RGO: Elevating client experiences in modern spaces

September 24, 2024
Leadership General Business Team Calgary

Stephanie McPhee is the director of sales at RGO Calgary.

Sponsored by Calgary Economic Development.

Joel Schlesinger © Postmedia Content Works.

RGO goes beyond traditional office solutions, creating inviting, functional spaces where people work, live and play. As one of Alberta’s leading workspace innovators, RGO empowers businesses to design environments that inspire collaboration, whether in-person or remote.

“Our focus is on designing comfortable, collaborative spaces, integrating advanced technology like video conferencing to enhance remote and in-office teamwork,” explains Stephanie McPhee, director of furniture sales.

With more companies investing in reimagined offices post-pandemic, RGO’s expertise ensures that spaces are not only visually appealing but functional and adaptable for modern needs.

RGO’s impact extends beyond corporate office settings, offering solutions for educational, health care and senior living spaces. Their approach transforms environments, ensuring that every design promotes connection and well-being.

“We don’t just offer desks and chairs; we design spaces that support collaboration and wellness,” says McPhee. RGO excels in designing hybrid workspaces tailored to the evolving needs of businesses.

“Many of our clients need meeting rooms that cater equally to remote and in-person attendees,” McPhee notes. “Our designs make sure every participant has a seamless experience, no matter where they are.”

With almost 60 years of expertise, RGO has established itself as a trusted partner in Alberta, providing client-focused solutions that seamlessly combine functionality, collaboration and comfort.

The commitment to enhancing the client experience is at the heart of every project the company undertakes, shaping spaces that make everyone want to pull up a chair and participate.

This feature was created by Content Works, Postmedia's commercial content division, on behalf of Calgary Economic Development.

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