Bow Valley College’s Esports Arena: A Catalyst for Alberta’s Digital Media Industry

September 25, 2024
Film, TV & Creative Industries Innovation Digital Media & Entertainment Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund
Bow Valley College Esports

Inside Bow Valley College's new esports arena with student playing in racing simulator.

Bow Valley College has taken a significant step toward positioning Alberta as a global esports and digital media hub with the opening of its cutting-edge esports arena. This new facility helps solidify Alberta's broader economic vision and is a strategic opportunity to acquire a portion of the $1.98 billion global esports industry. 

"The opening of this arena is a game-changing moment, igniting a wave of growth and investment in Calgary’s digital media and entertainment arts sector," said Luke Azevedo, Vice-President – Creative Industries, Operations and Film Commissioner, Calgary Economic Development.  

The launch of this esports arena is part of a wider effort to drive economic growth, attract talent, and foster innovation in digital media and entertainment industries in Calgary and Alberta.” 

Strengthening Alberta’s Esports Ecosystem 

The launch of the esports arena is integral to Alberta’s Esports Strategy, a collaborative effort led by Calgary Economic Development, Edmonton Screen Industries Office, Edmonton Global, Tourism Calgary, Explore Edmonton and the Alberta Esports Association. The strategy is designed to capitalize on the exponential growth of the global video game industry, which is projected to reach $218 billion USD by 2024. Further, the opening of this arena is in alignment with Calgary's economic action plan, Uplook.

Supporters and funders of Bow Valley College’s Digital Entertainment Nexus.

The esports arena at Bow Valley College aims to provide a "place to play," one of the key pillars in developing a prosperous esports ecosystem, alongside fostering talent, community, and partnerships. 

“Our esports arena will provide an exciting, new, technologically advanced and inclusive ‘place to play,’ designed not only for our students but for the broader Calgary community,” said Tanya McDonald, Dean, Applied Research and Centre for Entertainment Arts, Bow Valley College.

“This will help ignite the excitement of younger generations, offering activities and events that will help bring visibility and recognition to Bow Valley College, to Calgary and the growth and excitement around esports.”

In this fast-growing industry, Calgary is well-positioned to capture investment and generate economic impact, thanks in part to its established network of over 130 gaming studios, a thriving tech ecosystem, and world-class educational institutions. The arena will serve as a training ground for young esports athletes, developers, and creators, strengthening Alberta’s pipeline of digital talent. 

Taking Calgary Esports to the Next Level 

The Bow Valley College esports arena is designed to meet the growing needs of Calgary’s developing esports community. Spanning over 3500 square feet, the arena has over $1 million in equipment including 40 competition-ready gaming stations and two advanced racing simulators, providing an extensive set-up for competitive gaming. Additionally, the arena hosts a dedicated varsity esports training arena for Bow Valley College's team to strategize and hone their skill set. The arena also includes a professional broadcasting set-up to create a more immersive experience for esports viewers. 

The interior of Bow Valley College’s Digital Entertainment Nexus' space where Calgary's gaming community can gather.

The Role of the Digital Entertainment Nexus (DEN) 

The Bow Valley College's esports arena is part of the larger Digital Entertainment Nexus, which is positioned to be a world-class facility in downtown Calgary. With the support of the Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund (OCIF), which has committed up to $5.5 million, the Digital Entertainment Nexus will provide students with access to cutting-edge programs in 3D animation, game development, esports, virtual reality, podcasting, and more. This strategic investment will not only boost both career and startup opportunities in creative industries but also acts as a catalyst for economic growth and diversification. 

"We’re driving disruptive growth by thinking beyond traditional industries. The opening of Bow Valley College's esports arena is a prime example of how we’re fostering innovation and capturing investment in sectors that are reshaping the future of our economy," said Brad Parry, President and CEO, Calgary Economic Development and CEO, Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund. 

Between 2024 and 2028, the Digital Entertainment Nexus is expected to train 675 individuals and support more than 125 companies, leading to the creation of over 300 jobs in Calgary. The facility will also serve as a center for business incubation, applied research, and youth engagement, accelerating the growth of the city’s entertainment arts industry. The first cohorts for training and accelerator programs have just begun and the first graduates are expected in December. 

Economic and Cultural Impact for Calgary

By bridging the gap between education, entrepreneurship, and technology, Bow Valley College and its partners are not only laying the foundation for the next generation of creative professionals, but also driving Calgary’s transformation into a dynamic hub for esports and digital media. As Alberta continues to grow its esports ecosystem, businesses in the province are uniquely positioned to capitalize on this billion-dollar opportunity. 

“One of the best features about the arena is its modular design and ability to be used for various purposes, from tournaments to educational workshops to industry showcases, said Ryan Coutts, Bow Valley College Digital Entertainment Nexus Accelerator Lead and Vice President, Alberta Esports Association (AESA).

“Through Bow Valley College’s Esports Business Management Diploma and its accelerators, enabled by OCIF, Calgary is directly investing in the talent pipeline and making itself a hub for industry growth.”

Learn more about Calgary's vision to create long-term prosperity and opportunities for all in our economic action plan, Uplook

Visit the Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund page for more information on how its investments spur transformative economic development in Calgary. 

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