Support for Calgary businesses
We are here for the Calgary business community as a credible resource as we navigate these uncertain times. We want to ensure you are prepared for business disruption, including accessing government resources to mitigate potential impacts to your business and employees. We've compiled this list of resources for small business, nonprofits, startups and entrepreneurs, and employees. The list below also provides information on tax relief and deferrals, funding information and international trade.
General Information
Browse resources and advice from our valued Team Calgary partners, government, and other organizations to help your business navigate during COVID-19:
- City of Calgary: COVID-19 Support for Businesses
- Tourism Calgary: COVID-19 Traveller Update
- Government of Canada: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) | Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) | New Canada Emergency and Rent Subsidy Programs
- BDC: Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program (HASCAP)
- Invest Alberta: Summary of incentives and programs available to set up and grow your business
- Alberta Innovates: Funding and Programs
Leadership by our Team Calgary partners
Team Calgary is a corporate partnership program that engages Calgary's visionary thought leaders to help influence Calgary's economic growth. Learn what these organizations are doing to respond to COVID-19 and to support our local community here.
Small Businesses, Startups & Entrepreneurs
Small businesses are facing challenging times during this pandemic. Please consult these resources for additional guidance:
- Beltline Business Improvement: COVID-19 FAQ
- Business Link: Resources for Small Businesses Affected by COVID-19
- BDC: COVID-19: 7 steps to sustain your business through the disruption
Business Link: How to Start Selling Online
- Canadian Chamber of Commerce: Canadian Business Resilience Network
- CFIB: Small business help centre
The following resources have been created specifically for startups, entrepreneurs and founders to assist their businesses during COVID-19:
- Startup Calgary: COVID-19 Guidance & Resources
- BDC: Support for entrepreneurs impacted by COVID-19
- Platform Calgary: COVID-10 Updates and Resources
For more information on supporting non-profits, please consult the following resources:
- NPower Canada: Nonprofit Guide to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
- National Council of Non-Profits: Nonprofits and Coronavirus
- United Way of Calgary: COVID-19 Community Response Fund
- CanadaHelps: Donate to COVID‑19 Pandemic Response
Data Hub
For statistics and data related to COVID-19, please refer to the list below:
- Government of Alberta: COVID-19 in Alberta Stats
- Statistics Canada: COVID-19 A Data Perspective
- Tableau: COVID-19 Data Hub / Global COVID-19 Starter Workbook
- Google: Helping public health officials combat COVID-19: COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports
- Esri Canada: COVID-19 Canada GIS Resource Hub
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Centre: Global Coronavirus Cases
University of Calgary: CHI COVID-19 Tracker
Alberta’s COVID response
Mandatory, province-wide restrictions and public health measures are in effect in Alberta to protect the health care system and slow the spread of COVID-19. For further information and guidance on how these current restrictions impact your business, please review the following resources:
Guidance for the Screen-Based Production Industry
Restrictions Exemption Program (REP)

Helpful Resources
Government Updates on COVID
Visit these sites to learn about the latest announcements from our municipal, provincial and federal governments.
City of Calgary - Response to COVID-19
Government of Alberta COVID-19 info for Albertans
Health & Safety
We all have a responsibility to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please take steps to protect yourself and your community by following the guidelines for getting the vaccine, physical distancing, good hygiene, and staying home and away from others if sick or in isolation.
Canadian Mental Health Association
Managing mental health during coronavirus - experts around the world share insights
Feeling Unwell?
If you feel unwell or start to develop symptoms associated with COVID-19, please follow the guidelines from Alberta Health Services: